CPS-IoTBench will adopt a virtual format. The presentations and Q&A sessions will take place over Zoom (links will be provided in due time); a Slack channel will be available for participants to carry-on the discussion offline (well, online, but you know what we mean...).
Presentation instructions
- Each paper is assigned a 15-min time slot for presentation, followed by 5-min for live Q&A.
- The authors must provide a video recording of their presentation. The deadline for the video is Sept. 15, 2020.
- The videos will be uploaded on a video streaming platform shortly before the workshop and will be played live during the workshop sessions. The video copyright remains with the authors.
- At least one author of the paper must be present during their presentation to answer the questions during the Q&A session.
We provide some basic tips for producing your video which you may found useful.
If you (really) want to present live, please contact the organizers; note that we will anyway demand a video version of your talk as a backup in case of connectivity problems.
The registration to the workshop is being handled directly by MobiCom. Check-out the MobiCom website for more info.