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14:0014:10Welcome and introduction to workshop
Benchmarking social distancing solutions
Organized by Digital Catapult
More information
14:1014:20Introduction of the benchmarking event
14:2014:50 IoT benchmarking of social distancing solutions:
What, Why, and How?

Presentation of the evaluations scenarios and metrics.
Official presentation of the results.
Participating companies
Advanced Microwave Engineering, Italy 
iWavetechnology, Taiwan 
Lopos, Belgium 
Pathfindr, UK 
Ubudu, France 
Wipelot, Turkey
14:5015:50Social distancing solution presentations
Audience Q&A
15:5016:20Panel discussion
Benchmarking IoT for social distancing solutions

Michael Breza
Julie A. McCann, Imperial College London, UK
David McDonald, Danalto, Ireland
Pat Pannuto, University of California, San Diego, USA
Usman Raza, Toshiba Research Europe Limited, UK
Niki Trigoni, University of Oxford, UK
16:4017:00Invited talk
Experimenting During Lockdown: The Importance of Remote Testbeds in a Post COVID-19 World
Michael Baddeley
17:0017:20FlockLab 2: Multi-Modal Testing and Validation for Wireless IoT
Roman Trüb, Reto Da Forno, Lukas Sigrist, Lorin Mühlebach, Andreas Biri, Jan Beutel, Lothar Thiele
17:2017:40Towards an Automated Monitoring of RF Activity in Low-Power Wireless Testbeds
Markus Schuss, Carlo Alberto Boano, Jakob Link, Matthias Hollick, Kay Roemer
18:0018:20Synchronous transmissions on Bluetooth 5 and IEEE 802.15.4 – A replication study
Romain Jacob, Anna-Brit Schaper, Andreas Biri, Reto Da Forno, Lothar Thiele
18:2018:40Quantifying the Latency and Possible Throughput of External Interrupts on Cyber-Physical Systems
Oliver Horst, Johannes Wiesböck, Raphael Wild, Uwe Baumgarten
18:4019:00Invited Talk
SNIAPE: Sensor Network and IoT Application Performance Evaluation Benchmark
Laksh Bhatia
19:0019:10Closing of the workshop