Submission Instructions

  • Papers may contain up to 6 single­-spaced U.S. letter pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
  • Papers must be written in English.
  • Papers must be double-blind (details below).
  • Papers must include a Data Availability Statement (details below).
  • Please use the default ACM template for conference proceedings (9pt font).

[ submission website ]

Do not use ACM CCS. You may use keywords (optional). To remove ACM copyright information and reference format, add the following lines before begin{document}

% Removing copyright information and reference format

Data Availability Statement

Public data sharing is strongly encouraged for all submitted papers, but not compulsory. However, all papers must include a statement about data availability. We recommend to put this statement as a paragraph between the abstract and the introduction. The statement should indicate what data is made available by the authors, and where they can be accessed. Minimally, we recommend that the authors publish the processed data used to produce all plots and visualizations presented in the paper.

For good advice on data sharing, see The Turing Way handbook, most particularly

Shall the authors decide not to share any data related to the paper, the statement could simply be the following sentence: “The authors of this paper do not make any corresponding data available.” Again, we do not recommend this...


As an author, you are required to make a good-faith effort to preserve the anonymity of your submission. Common sense and careful writing will go a long way towards preserving anonymity. Minimally,

  • Remove the names and affiliations of authors from the title page.
  • Remove acknowledgment of identifying names and funding sources.
  • Use care in naming your files. Source file names (e.g., “Alice-n-Bob.pdf”) are often embedded in the final output as readily accessible comments.
  • Do not embed pointers to external sources (e.g., public GitHub repositories) that leak author identity or affiliation.

If you find it difficult for your submission to meet these requirements, you may contact the organizers for advice.

Do fill-in the author names and email addresses when submitting your work. The submission will not display the names.

Paper presentation

Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the workshop. The timing and format of the presentation will be precised at a later stage.

[ submission website ]